1. Get in pairs. You are going to find an image (wordle) sent on your whatsapp group "Innovations", this wordle has 14 names of occupations, and each name has a number.2. One student is going to open the wordle (image) and the other one is going to look the images bellow in this post (are 14 images)
3. The pupil that has opened this post, is going to show the image to his/her classmate and ask to his/her elbow partner: "What is her/his job?" (HIS for men and HER for woman) by pointing to the image.
4. The other student that has opened the wordle is going, is going to watch the image and look for the number inside, and he/she is going to find out which name has the same number, and then answer to his/her partner.
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Remember, each image, belongs to a word in the wordle, relate them by looking to the numbers.
Susana / Carolina.